This is the story of Failsafe and Candle Lid. They liked to wander and wandering is what they did best. They would wander on a path and off a path, they would wander up and through. Candle Lid, who was tall amongst short folk, and short amongst tall folk had a long row boat. It had to be long so that he could wander up and down , and often into the water. He did not use his boat.
One day a very old man named Pudding was trying to move his items up a hill. Failsafe couldn’t move up, so he could not help. Candle Lid made dinner and they all ate whatever it was he made which was something called a lot. It had stew in it.
How unlike the sea Failsafe was, and very dry Candle Lid liked things except his bath and a drink. They sometimes took a hot kettle down to the massive sea so that they could take a hot bath together and talk about their trip. The sea was too big though, and the water could not get hot enough for them to get clean, so they canceled their trip until next year.
Next year was a better time they thought when it got here and they left for their trip again, except this time it was the right time so it wasn’t again. They picked a large place and then they wandered around there. Candle Lid liked to look up at things when he wandered, Failsafe liked to look to the side. It was easy to hide on them. A very old man named Pudding once followed them for a year and they never knew it. Pudding got very hungry and that is why he stopped.
One day, when neither of them could swim, they didn’t even take a bath, because you can drown in a drop of bath water the magazine said. Failsafe didn’t see how this was possible unless you were a bug that lost its legs someplace. He didn’t want to take any chances, though, so he waited until he could swim again.
Candle Lid was so spiritual that he went to the dentist twice a month to get his teeth cleaned. He wanted to have a nice smile for the good in everybody.
When Failsafe burped, Candle Lid listened. Both of them at one point in their lives had painted a room in a house. It was the same room, and neither have seen it since. Failsafe had a job. Candle Lid was dangerous sometimes.
They really wanted a dog but didn’t think they were ready.
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